pynmeagps package
pynmeagps.exceptions module
NMEA Custom Exception Types
Created on 04 Mar 2021
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2020
- license:
BSD 3-Clause
pynmeagps.nmeahelpers module
Collection of NMEA helper methods which can be used outside the NMEAMessage or NMEAReader classes
Created on 04 Mar 2021
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2021
- license:
BSD 3-Clause
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.get_parts(message: object) tuple [source]
Get content, talker, msgid, payload and checksum of raw NMEA message.
- Parameters:
message (object) – entire message as bytes or string
- Returns:
tuple of (content, talker, msgID, payload as list, checksum)
- Return type:
- Raises:
NMEAMessageError (if message is badly formed)
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.calc_checksum(content: object) str [source]
Calculate checksum for raw NMEA message.
- Parameters:
content (object) – NMEA message content (everything except checksum)
- Returns:
checksum as hex string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.generate_checksum(talker: str, msgID: str, payload: list) str [source]
Generate checksum for new NMEA message.
- Parameters:
talker (str) – talker e.g. “GN”
msgID (str) – msgID e.g. “GLL”
payload (list) – payload as list
- Returns:
checksum as hex string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.dmm2ddd(pos: str) float [source]
Convert NMEA lat/lon string to (unsigned) decimal degrees.
- Parameters:
pos (str) – (d)ddmm.mmmmm
- Returns:
pos as decimal degrees
- Return type:
float or str if invalid
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.ddd2dmm(degrees: float, att: str, hpmode: bool = False) str [source]
Convert decimal degrees to native NMEA degrees decimal minutes string (NB: standard NMEA only supports 5dp minutes precision - a high precision mode offers 7dp precision but this may not be accepted by all NMEA parsers).
- Parameters:
degrees (float) – degrees
att (str) – ‘LA’ (lat) or ‘LN’ (lon)
hpmode (bool) – high precision mode (7dp rather than 5dp)
- Returns:
degrees as (d)ddmm.mmmmm(mm) formatted string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.date2utc(dates: str, form: str = 'DT') date [source]
Convert NMEA Date to UTC datetime.
- Parameters:
dates (str) – NMEA date
form (str) – date format DT = ddmmyy, DTL = ddmmyyyy, DM = mmddyy (DT)
- Returns:
UTC date YYyy:mm:dd
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.time2utc(times: str) time [source]
Convert NMEA Time to UTC datetime.
- Parameters:
times (str) – NMEA time
- Returns:
UTC time
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.time2str(tim: ~.datetime.time) str [source]
Convert datetime.time to NMEA formatted string.
- Parameters:
tim (datetime.time) – time
- Returns:
NMEA formatted time string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.date2str(dat:, form: str = 'DT') str [source]
Convert to NMEA formatted string.
- Parameters:
dat ( – date
form (str) – date format DT = ddmmyy, DTL = ddmmyyyy, DM = mmddyy (DT)
- Returns:
NMEA formatted date string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.knots2spd(knots: float, unit: str = 'MS') float [source]
Convert speed in knots to speed in specified units.
- Parameters:
knots (float) – knots
str (unit) – ‘MS’ (default), ‘FS’, MPH’, ‘KMPH’
- Returns:
speed in m/s, feet/s, mph or kmph
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.msgdesc(msgID: str) str [source]
Return descriptive string for NMEA msgId.
- Parameters:
str (msgID) – message ID e.g. ‘GGA’
- Returns:
description of message
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.latlon2dms(lat: float, lon: float) tuple [source]
Converts decimal lat/lon tuple to degrees minutes seconds.
- Parameters:
lat (float) – lat
lon (float) – lon
- Returns:
(lat,lon) in d.m.s. format
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.latlon2dmm(lat: float, lon: float) tuple [source]
Converts decimal lat/lon tuple to degrees decimal minutes.
- Parameters:
lat (float) – lat
lon (float) – lon
- Returns:
(lat,lon) in format
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.deg2dms(degrees: float, att: str) str [source]
Convert decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds string e.g. ‘51°20′45.6″N’
- Parameters:
degrees (float) – degrees
att (str) – ‘LA’ (lat) or ‘LN’ (lon)
- Returns:
degrees as d.m.s formatted string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.deg2dmm(degrees: float, att: str) str [source]
Convert decimal degrees to degrees decimal minutes string e.g. ‘51°20.76′S’.
- Parameters:
degrees (float) – degrees
att (str) – ‘LA’ (lat) or ‘LN’ (lon)
- Returns:
degrees as dm.m formatted string
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.dms2deg(dmsstr: str, rnd: int = 7) float [source]
Convert degrees, minutes, seconds string to decimal degrees.
Expects degrees and (optional) minutes and seconds to be delimited by non-numeric char, e.g.
‘51°20′45.6″N’ -> 51.346
‘51°30.0′’ -> 51.5
- Parameters:
dmsstr (str) – d,m,s string
rnd (int) – decimal places (7)
- Returns:
degrees as d.dd
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError if invalid dms string format
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.llh2iso6709(lat: float, lon: float, alt: float, crs: str = 'WGS_84') str [source]
Convert decimal degrees and alt to ISO6709 format e.g. “+27.5916+086.5640+8850CRSWGS_84/”.
- Parameters:
lat (float) – latitude
lon (float) – longitude
alt (float) – altitude (hMSL)
crs (float) – coordinate reference system (default = WGS_84)
- Returns:
position in ISO6709 format
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.ecef2llh(x: float, y: float, z: float, a: float = 6378137.0, f: float = 298.257223563) tuple [source]
Convert ECEF coordinates to geodetic (LLH) using Olson algorithm.
Olson, D. K. (1996). Converting Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 32(1), 473-476.
- Parameters:
x (float) – X coordinate
y (float) – Y coordinate
z (float) – Z coordinate
a (float) – semi-major axis (6378137.0 for WGS84)
f (float) – flattening (298.257223563 for WGS84)
- Returns:
tuple of (lat, lon, ellipsoidal height in m) as floats
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.llh2ecef(lat: float, lon: float, height: float, a: float = 6378137.0, f: float = 298.257223563) tuple [source]
Convert geodetic coordinates (LLH) to ECEF.
- Parameters:
lat (float) – lat in degrees
lon (float) – lon on degrees
height (float) – ellipsoidal height in metres
a (float) – semi-major axis (6378137.0 for WGS84)
f (float) – flattening (298.257223563 for WGS84)
- Returns:
tuple of ECEF (X, Y, Z) as floats
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.haversine(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, radius: int = 6378.137) float [source]
Calculate spherical distance in km between two coordinates using haversine formula.
NB suitable for coordinates greater than around 50m apart. For smaller separations, use the planar approximation formula.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – lat1
lon1 (float) – lon1
lat2 (float) – lat2
lon2 (float) – lon2
radius (float) – radius in km (Earth = 6378.137 km)
- Returns:
spherical distance in km
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.planar(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, radius: int = 6378137.0) float [source]
Calculate planar distance between two coordinates using planar approximation formula.
NB suitable for coordinates less than around 50m apart. For larger separations, use the haversine great circle formula.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – lat1
lon1 (float) – lon1
lat2 (float) – lat2
lon2 (float) – lon2
radius (float) – radius in m (Earth = 6378137 m)
- Returns:
planar distance in m
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.bearing(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float) float [source]
Calculate bearing between two coordinates.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – lat1
lon1 (float) – lon1
lat2 (float) – lat2
lon2 (float) – lon2
- Returns:
bearing in degrees
- Return type:
- pynmeagps.nmeahelpers.area(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, radius: int = 6378.137) float [source]
Calculate spherical area bounded by two coordinates.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – lat1
lon1 (float) – lon1
lat2 (float) – lat2
lon2 (float) – lon2
radius (float) – radius in km (Earth = 6378.137 km)
- Returns:
area in km²
- Return type:
pynmeagps.nmeamessage module
Main NMEA GNSS/GPS Message Protocol Class.
Created on 04 Mar 2021
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2021
- license:
BSD 3-Clause
- class pynmeagps.nmeamessage.NMEAMessage(talker: str, msgID: str, msgmode: int, hpnmeamode: bool = False, validate: int = 1, userdefined: dict = None, **kwargs)[source]
NMEA GNSS/GPS Message Class.
- __init__(talker: str, msgID: str, msgmode: int, hpnmeamode: bool = False, validate: int = 1, userdefined: dict = None, **kwargs)[source]
If ‘payload’ is passed as a keyword arg, this is taken to contain the entire message content as a list of string values; any other keyword args are ignored.
Otherwise, any individual attributes passed as keyword args will be set to the value provided, all others will be assigned a nominal value according to type.
- Parameters:
talker (str) – message talker e.g. “GP” or “P”
msgID (str) – message ID e.g. “GGA”
msgmode (int) – mode (0=GET, 1=SET, 2=POLL)
hpnmeamode (bool) – high precision lat/lon mode (7dp rather than 5dp) (False)
validate (int) – VALNONE (0), VALCKSUM (1), VALMSGID (2), (can be OR’d) (1)
userdefined (dict) – user-defined payload definition dictionary (None)
kwargs – keyword arg(s) representing all or some payload attributes
- Raises:
- property identity: str
Identity getter.
- Returns:
message identity e.g. GNGSA
- Return type:
- property talker: str
Talker getter.
- Returns:
talker e.g. GN
- Return type:
- property msgID: str
Message id getter.
- Returns:
message id e.g. GSA
- Return type:
- property msgmode: int
Message mode getter.
- Returns:
message mode
- Return type:
- property payload: list
Payload getter.
- Returns:
raw payload as list of strings
- Return type:
- property checksum: str
Checksum getter.
- Returns:
checksum as hex string
- Return type:
- static str2val(vals: str, att: str) object [source]
Convert NMEA string to typed value (this is the format that will be available to end users).
- Parameters:
vals (str) – attribute value in NMEA protocol format
att (str) – attribute type e.g. ‘DE’
- Returns:
attribute value
- Return type:
- Raises:
- static val2str(val, att: str, hpmode: bool = False) str [source]
Convert typed value to NMEA string (this is the format used internally by the NMEA protocol).
- Parameters:
val (object) – typed attribute value
att (str) – attribute type e.g. ‘IN’
hpmode (bool) – high precision lat/lon mode (7dp rather than 5dp)
- Returns:
attribute value in NMEA protocol format
- Return type:
- Raises:
pynmeagps.nmeareader module
NMEAReader class.
Reads and parses individual NMEA GNSS/GPS messages from any stream which supports a read(n) -> bytes method.
Can also read from socket via SocketStream wrapper.
Returns both the raw binary data (as bytes) and the parsed data (as an NMEAMessage object).
Implements an iterator: for raw, parsed in NMEAReader(stream):
If the ‘nmeaonly’ kwarg is set to ‘True’, the reader will raise a NMEAParseError if it encounters any non-NMEA data. Otherwise, it will ignore the non-NMEA data and attempt to carry on.
Created on 4 Mar 2021
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2021
- license:
BSD 3-Clause
- class pynmeagps.nmeareader.NMEAReader(stream, msgmode: int = 0, validate: int = 1, nmeaonly: bool = False, quitonerror: int = 1, bufsize: int = 4096, errorhandler: object = None, userdefined: dict = None)[source]
NMEAReader class.
- __init__(stream, msgmode: int = 0, validate: int = 1, nmeaonly: bool = False, quitonerror: int = 1, bufsize: int = 4096, errorhandler: object = None, userdefined: dict = None)[source]
- Parameters:
stream (stream) – input data stream (e.g. Serial or binary File)
msgmode (int) – 0=GET, 1=SET, 2=POLL (0)
validate (int) – VALNONE (0), VALCKSUM (1), VALMSGID (2), (can be OR’d) (1)
nmeaonly (bool) – True = error on non-NMEA data, False = ignore non-NMEA data
quitonerror (int) – ERR_IGNORE (0) = ignore errors, ERR_LOG (1) = log continue, ERR_RAISE (2) = (re)raise (1)
bufsize (int) – socket recv buffer size (4096)
errorhandler (object) – error handling object or function (None)
userdefined (dict) – user-defined payload definition dictionary (None)
- Raises:
NMEAParseError (if mode is invalid)
- read() tuple [source]
Read the binary data from the stream buffer.
- Returns:
tuple of (raw_data as bytes, parsed_data as NMEAMessage)
- Return type:
- Raises:
NMEAStreamError (if nmeaonly=True and stream includes non-NMEA data)
- property datastream: object
Getter for stream.
- Returns:
data stream
- Return type:
- static parse(message: bytes, msgmode: int = 0, validate: int = 1, userdefined: dict = None) object [source]
Parse NMEA byte stream to NMEAMessage object.
- Parameters:
message (bytes) – bytes message to parse
msgmode (int) – 0=GET, 1=SET, 2=POLL (0)
validate (int) – VALNONE (0), VALCKSUM (1), VALMSGID (2), (can be OR’d) (1)
userdefined (dict) – user-defined payload definition dictionary (None)
- Returns:
NMEAMessage object (or None if unknown message and VALMSGID is not set)
- Return type:
- Raises:
NMEAParseError (if data stream contains invalid data or unknown message type)
pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core module
NMEA Protocol core globals and constants
Created on 4 Mar 2021
While the NMEA 0183 © protocol is proprietary, the information here has been collated from public domain sources.
- author:
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.INPUT = 1
Input message type
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.OUTPUT = 0
Output message type
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.GET = 0
GET (receive, response) message types
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.SET = 1
SET (command) message types
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.POLL = 2
POLL (query) message types
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.SETPOLL = 3
SETPOLL (SET or POLL) message types
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.VALNONE = 0
Do not validate checksum or msgid
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.VALCKSUM = 1
Validate checksum
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.VALMSGID = 2
Validate message id
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.NMEA_PROTOCOL = 1
NMEA Protocol
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.UBX_PROTOCOL = 2
UBX Protocol
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.RTCM3_PROTOCOL = 4
RTCM3 Protocol
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.ERR_RAISE = 2
Raise error and quit
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.ERR_LOG = 1
Log errors
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.ERR_IGNORE = 0
Ignore errors
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.DEF_STND = 0
Standard message definition
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.DEF_PROP = 1
Proprietary message definition
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.DEF_USER = 2
User-defined message definition
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.DEF_UNKN = 3
Unknown (not public domain) message definition
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.GNSSLIST = {0: 'GPS', 1: 'SBAS', 2: 'Galileo', 3: 'BeiDou', 4: 'IMES', 5: 'QZSS', 6: 'GLONASS', 7: 'NAVIC'}
GNSS code
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.FIXTYPE_GGA = {0: 'NO FIX', 1: '3D', 2: '3D', 4: 'RTK FIXED', 5: 'RTK FLOAT', 6: 'DR'}
Fix type from GGA
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.GPSEPOCH0 = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 6, 0, 0)
GPS epoch base date
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.WGS84 = 'WGS_84'
WGS84 datum descriptor
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.WGS84_SMAJ_AXIS = 6378137.0
WGS84 semi-major axis
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.WGS84_FLATTENING = 298.257223563
WGS84 flattening
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.NMEA_TALKERS = {'AB': 'Independent AIS Base Station', 'AD': 'Dependent AIS Base Station', 'AG': 'Heading Track Controller (Autopilot): General', 'AI': 'Mobile Class A or B AIS Station', 'AN': 'AIS Aids to Navigation Station', 'AP': 'Heading Track Controller (Autopilot): Magnetic', 'AR': 'AIS Receiving Station', 'AS': 'AIS Station (ITU_R M1371, (Limited Base Station))', 'AT': 'AIS Transmitting Station', 'AX': 'AIS Simplex Repeater Station', 'BD': 'BDS (BeiDou System)', 'BI': 'Bilge Systems', 'BN': 'Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System', 'CA': 'Central Alarm Management', 'CD': 'Digital Selective Calling (DSC)', 'CR': 'Data Receiver', 'CS': 'Satellite', 'CT': 'Radio-Telephone (MF/HF)', 'CV': 'Radio-Telephone (VHF)', 'CX': 'Scanning Receiver', 'DE': 'DECCA Navigator', 'DF': 'Direction Finder', 'DP': 'Dynamic Position', 'DU': 'Duplex Repeater Station', 'EC': 'Electronic Chart System (ECS)', 'EI': 'Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)', 'EP': 'Emergency Position Indicating Beacon (EPIRB)', 'ER': 'Engine Room Monitoring Systems', 'FD': 'Fire Door Controller/Monitoring Point', 'FE': 'Fire Extinguisher System', 'FR': 'Fire Detection Point', 'FS': 'Fire Sprinkler System', 'GA': 'Galileo Positioning System', 'GB': 'BDS (BeiDou System)', 'GI': 'NavIC (IRNSS)', 'GL': 'GLONASS Receiver', 'GN': 'Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)', 'GP': 'Global Positioning System (GPS)', 'GQ': 'QZSS', 'HC': 'Compass, Magnetic', 'HD': 'Hull Door Monitoring', 'HE': 'Gyro, North Seeking', 'HF': 'Fluxgate', 'HN': 'Gyro, Non-North Seeking', 'HS': 'Hull Stress Monitoring', 'IC': 'Integrated Communications System', 'II': 'Integrated Instrumentation', 'IN': 'Integrated Navigation', 'LC': 'Loran C', 'MP': 'Microprocessor Controller', 'ND': 'Network Device', 'NL': 'Navigation Light Controller', 'P': 'Proprietary', 'RA': 'Radar and/or Radar Plotting', 'RC': 'Propulsion Machinery including Remote Control', 'SA': 'Physical Shore AIS Station', 'SC': 'Steering Control System/Device', 'SD': 'Sounder, Depth', 'SG': 'Steering Gear/Steering Engine', 'SI': 'Serial to Network Gateway Function', 'SN': 'Electronic Positioning System', 'SS': 'Sounder, Scanning', 'TC': 'Track Control System', 'TI': 'Turn Rate Indicator', 'U0': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U1': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U2': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U3': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U4': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U5': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U6': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U7': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U8': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'U9': 'User-configured talker identifier', 'UP': 'Microprocessor Controller', 'VD': 'Doppler', 'VM': 'Speed Log, Water, Magnetic', 'VR': 'Voyage Data Recorder', 'VW': 'Speed Log, Water, Mechanical', 'WD': 'Watertight Door Controller/Monitoring Panel', 'WI': 'Weather Instruments', 'WL': 'Water Level Detection Systems', 'YX': 'Transducer', 'ZA': 'Atomic Clock', 'ZC': 'Chronometer', 'ZQ': 'Quartz', 'ZV': 'Radio Update'}
Recognised NMEA Talkers.
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.NMEA_MSGIDS = {'AAM': 'Waypoint arrival alarm', 'ABK': 'AIS addressed and binary broadcast acknowledgement', 'ABM': 'AIS addressed binary and safety related message', 'ACA': 'AIS channel assignment message', 'ACK': 'Acknowledge alarm', 'ACN': 'Alert Command', 'ACS': 'AIS channel management information source', 'AIR': 'AIS interrogation request', 'AKD': 'Acknowledge detail alarm condition7', 'ALA': 'Report detailed alarm condition', 'ALC': 'Cyclic alert list', 'ALF': 'Alert sentence', 'ALR': 'Set alarm state', 'APA': 'Auto Pilot A sentence', 'APB': 'Heading/track controller (autopilot) sentence', 'ARC': 'Alert command refused', 'BBM': 'AIS broadcast binary message', 'BEC': 'Bearing and distance to waypoint - Dead reckoning', 'BOD': 'Bearing origin to destination', 'BWC': 'Bearing and distance to waypoint - Great circle', 'BWR': 'Bearing and distance to waypoint - Rhumb line', 'BWW': 'Bearing waypoint to waypoint', 'CUR': 'Water current layer - Multi-layer water current data', 'DBT': 'Depth below transducer', 'DDC': 'Display dimming control', 'DOR': 'Door status detection', 'DPT': 'Depth', 'DSC': 'Digital selective calling information', 'DSE': 'Expanded digital selective calling', 'DTM': 'Datum reference', 'EPV': 'Command or report equipment property value', 'ETL': 'Engine telegraph operation status', 'EVE': 'General event message', 'FIR': 'Fire detection', 'FOO': 'Dummy message', 'FSI': 'Frequency set information', 'GAQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GA (Galileo)', 'GBQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GB (BeiDou)', 'GBS': 'GNSS satellite fault detection', 'GEN': 'Generic binary information', 'GFA': 'GNSS fix accuracy and integrity', 'GGA': 'Global positioning system fix data', 'GLL': 'Geographic position - Latitude/longitude', 'GLQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GL (GLONASS)', 'GMP': 'GNSS Map Projection Fix Data', 'GNQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GN (Any GNSS)', 'GNS': 'GNSS Fix Data', 'GPQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GP (GPS, SBAS)', 'GQQ': 'Poll Standard Message - Talker ID GQ (QZSS)', 'GRS': 'GNSS range residuals', 'GSA': 'GNSS DOP and active satellites', 'GST': 'GNSS pseudorange noise statistics', 'GSV': 'GNSS satellites in view', 'HBT': 'Heartbeat supervision sentence', 'HCR': 'Heading correction report', 'HDG': 'Heading, deviation and variation', 'HDM': 'Heading, Magnetic', 'HDT': 'Heading true', 'HMR': 'Heading monitor receive', 'HMS': 'Heading monitor set', 'HRM': 'heel angle, roll period and roll amplitude measurement device', 'HSC': 'Heading steering command', 'HSS': 'Hull stress surveillance systems', 'HTC': 'Heading/track control command', 'HTD': 'Heading /track control', 'LLQ': 'Leica local position and quality', 'LR1': 'AIS long-range reply sentence 1', 'LR2': 'AIS long-range reply sentence 2', 'LR3': 'AIS long-range reply sentence 3', 'LRF': 'AIS long-range function', 'LRI': 'AIS long-range interrogation', 'MOB': 'Man over board notification', 'MSK': 'MSK receiver interface', 'MSS': 'MSK receiver signal status', 'MTW': 'Water temperature', 'MWD': 'Wind direction and speed', 'MWV': 'Wind speed and angle', 'NAK': 'Negative acknowledgement', 'NRM': 'NAVTEX receiver mask', 'NRX': 'NAVTEX received message', 'NSR': 'Navigation status report', 'OSD': 'Own ship data', 'POS': 'Device position and ship dimensions report or configuration', 'PRC': 'Propulsion remote control status', 'RLM': 'Return link message', 'RMA': 'Recommended minimum specific LORAN-C data', 'RMB': 'Recommended minimum navigation information', 'RMC': 'Recommended minimum specific GNSS data', 'ROR': 'Rudder order status', 'ROT': 'Rate of turn', 'RPM': 'Revolutions', 'RRT': 'Report route transfer', 'RSA': 'Rudder sensor angle', 'RSD': 'Radar system data', 'RTE': 'Routes', 'SFI': 'Scanning frequency information', 'SM1': 'SafetyNET Message, All Ships/NavArea', 'SM2': 'SafetyNET Message, Coastal Warning Area', 'SM3': 'SafetyNET Message, Circular Area address', 'SM4': 'SafetyNET Message, Rectangular Area Address', 'SMB': 'IMO SafetyNET Message Body', 'SPW': 'Security password sentence', 'SSD': 'AIS ship static data', 'STN': 'Multiple data ID', 'THS': 'True heading and status', 'TLB': 'Target label', 'TLL': 'Target latitude and longitude', 'TRC': 'Thruster control data', 'TRD': 'Thruster response data', 'TRF': 'Transit Fix Data', 'TRL': 'AIS transmitter-non-functioning log', 'TTD': 'Tracked target data', 'TTM': 'Tracked target message', 'TUT': 'Transmission of multi-language text', 'TXT': 'Text transmission', 'UID': 'User identification code transmission', 'VBW': 'Dual ground/water speed', 'VDM': 'AIS VHF data-link message', 'VDO': 'AIS VHF data-link own-vessel report', 'VDR': 'Set and drift', 'VER': 'Version', 'VHW': 'Water speed and heading', 'VLW': 'Dual ground/water distance', 'VPW': 'Speed measured parallel to wind', 'VSD': 'AIS voyage static data', 'VTG': 'Course over ground and ground speed', 'WAT': 'Water level detection', 'WCV': 'Waypoint closure velocity', 'WNC': 'Distance waypoint to waypoint', 'WPL': 'Waypoint location', 'XDR': 'Transducer measurements', 'XTE': 'Cross-track error, measured', 'XTR': 'Cross-track error, dead reckoning', 'ZDA': 'Time and date', 'ZDL': 'Time and distance to variable point', 'ZFO': 'UTC and time from origin waypoint', 'ZTG': 'UTC and time to destination waypoint'}
Recognised Standard NMEA Message Identifiers.
Payload definitions for standard GET messages are defined in NMEA_PAYLOADS_GET. Standard POLL messages are defined in NMEA_PAYLOADS_POLL.
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.NMEA_MSGIDS_PROP = {'ASHR': 'RT300 Roll and Pitch', 'ASHRALR': 'Alarms', 'ASHRARA': 'True Heading', 'ASHRARR': 'Vector & Accuracy', 'ASHRATT': 'True Heading', 'ASHRBTS': 'Bluetooth Status', 'ASHRCAP': 'Parameters of Antenna Used at Received Base', 'ASHRCPA': 'Height of Antenna Used at Received Base', 'ASHRCPO': 'Position of Received Base', 'ASHRDDM': 'Differential Decoder Message', 'ASHRDDS': 'Differential Decoder Status', 'ASHRHPR': 'True Heading', 'ASHRLTN': 'Latency', 'ASHRMDM': 'Modem State and Parameter', 'ASHRPBN': 'Position and Velocity Information', 'ASHRPOS': 'Position', 'ASHRPTT': 'PPS Time Tag', 'ASHRPWR': 'Power Status', 'ASHRRCS': 'Recording Status', 'ASHRSBD': 'BEIDOU Satellites Status', 'ASHRSGA': 'GALILEO Satellites Status (E1,E5a,E5b)', 'ASHRSGL': 'GLONASS Satellites Status', 'ASHRSGO': 'GALILEO Satellites Status (E1,E5a,E5b,E6)', 'ASHRSGP': 'GPS Satellites Status', 'ASHRSIR': 'IRNSS Satellites Status', 'ASHRSLB': 'L-Band Satellites Status', 'ASHRSQZ': 'QZSS Satellites Status', 'ASHRSSB': 'SBAS Satellites Status', 'ASHRTEM': 'Receiver Temperature', 'ASHRTHS': 'True Heading and Status', 'ASHRTTT': 'Event Marker', 'ASHRVCR': 'Vector and Accuracy', 'ASHRVCT': 'Vector and Accuracy', 'ASHRVEL': 'Velocity', 'FECGPATT': 'Attitude yaw, pitch, roll', 'FECGPHVE': 'Heave', 'FUGDP': 'Fugro Dynamic Positioning', 'GPPADV110': 'Position and satellite information for RTK network operations 110', 'GPPADV120': 'Position and satellite information for RTK network operations 120', 'GRMB': 'DGPS Beacon Information', 'GRMC': 'Set Sensor Configuration information', 'GRMC1': 'Set Additional Sensor Configuration Information', 'GRME': 'Estimated Error Information', 'GRMF': 'GPS Fix Data sentence', 'GRMH': 'Aviation Height and VNAV data', 'GRMI': 'Set Sensor Initialisation Information', 'GRMM': 'MapDatum', 'GRMO': 'Set Output Sentence Enable', 'GRMT': 'Sensor Status Information', 'GRMV': '3D Velocity Information', 'GRMW': 'Set Additional Waypoint Information', 'GRMZ': 'Altitude', 'INVCRES': 'Clear the NVM data', 'INVCSTR': 'Start session', 'INVMATTIT': 'ATTIT information', 'INVMIMU': 'MEMS RAW-DATA message information', 'INVMINR': 'Calibration status', 'INVMSLOPE': 'SLOPE information', 'INVMSTR': 'Session Status', 'KLDS': 'Position, Speed, Course', 'KLSH': 'FleetSync GNSS sentence', 'KNDS': 'Position, Speed, Course', 'KNSH': 'Position', 'KWDWPL': 'Waypoint Location', 'LSC': 'Set status/poll version', 'LSR': 'Set status response', 'LSVD': 'Attitude yaw, pitch, roll', 'MGNWPL': 'Waypoint Location', 'SSNHRP': 'Heading, Roll, Pitch', 'SSNRBD': 'Rover Base Direction', 'SSNRBP': 'Rover Base Position', 'SSNRBV': 'Rover Base Velocity', 'SSNSNC': 'NTRIP Client Status', 'SSNTFM': 'Used RTCM Coordinate Transformation Messages', 'TNLAVR': 'Time, yaw, tilt/roll, range for moving baseline RTK', 'TNLBPQ': 'Base station position and quality indicator', 'TNLDG': 'L-band corrections and beacon signal strength and related information', 'TNLEVT': 'Event marker data', 'TNLGGK': 'Time, position, position type, DOP', 'TNLGGKx': 'GNSS Position Message', 'TNLPJK': 'Local coordinate position output', 'TNLPJT': 'Projection type', 'TNLREX': 'Rover Extended Output', 'TNLVGK': 'Vector information', 'TNLVHD': 'Heading information', 'UBX00': 'PUBX-POSITION Lat/Long Position Data', 'UBX03': 'PUBX-SVSTATUS Satellite Status', 'UBX04': 'PUBX-TIME Time of Day and Clock Information', 'UBX05': 'Lat/Long Position Data', 'UBX06': 'Lat/Long Position Data', 'UBX40': 'Set NMEA message output rate', 'UBX41': 'PUBX-CONFIG Set Protocols and Baudrate'}
Recognised Proprietary NMEA Message Identifiers.
Payload definitions for proprietary GET messages are defined in NMEA_PAYLOADS_GET_PROP. Proprietary SET and POLL messages are defined in NMEA_PAYLOADS_SET and NMEA_PAYLOADS_POLL.
- pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core.NMEA_PREFIX_PROP = ('ASHR', 'GPPADV', 'FEC', 'SSN', 'TNL', 'UBX')
Proprietary NMEA Message Prefixes where msgId is part of payload.
For proprietary messages with these prefixes, the msgId is defined as the first element of the payload. The unique payload dictionary key is therefore a combination of prefix + msgId.
NB: There are some exceptions which require special handling e.g. PASHR.
pynmeagps.nmeatypes_get module
NMEA Protocol Output payload definitions
THESE ARE THE PAYLOAD DEFINITIONS FOR _GET_ MESSAGES _FROM_ THE RECEIVER (e.g. Periodic Navigation Data; Poll Responses; Info messages).
NB: Attribute names must be unique within each message id. NB: Avoid reserved names ‘msgID’, ‘talker’, ‘payload’, ‘checksum’.
- NB: Repeating groups must be defined as a tuple thus
‘group’: (‘numr’, {dict}) where - ‘numr’ is either:
an integer representing a fixed number of repeats e.g 32
a string representing the name of a preceding attribute containing the number of repeats e.g. ‘numCh’
‘None’ for an indeterminate repeating group (only one such group is permitted per message type)
{dict} is the nested dictionary containing the repeating attributes
Created on 4 Mar Sep 2021
While the NMEA 0183 © protocol is proprietary, the information here has been collated from public domain sources.
- author:
pynmeagps.nmeatypes_get_prop module
NMEA Protocol Proprietary Output payload definitions
NB: Attribute names must be unique within each message id. NB: Avoid reserved names ‘msgID’, ‘talker’, ‘payload’, ‘checksum’.
- NB: Repeating groups must be defined as a tuple thus
‘group’: (‘numr’, {dict}) where - ‘numr’ is either:
an integer representing a fixed number of repeats e.g 32
a string representing the name of a preceding attribute containing the number of repeats e.g. ‘numCh’
‘None’ for an indeterminate repeating group (only one such group is permitted per message type)
{dict} is the nested dictionary containing the repeating attributes
Created on 4 Mar Sep 2021
While the NMEA 0183 © protocol is proprietary, the information here has been collated from public domain sources.
- author:
pynmeagps.nmeatypes_poll module
NMEA Protocol Poll payload definitions
NB: Attribute names must be unique within each message id. NB: Avoid reserved names ‘msgID’, ‘talker’, ‘payload’, ‘checksum’.
Created on 4 Mar Sep 2021
While the NMEA 0183 © protocol is proprietary, the information here has been collated from public domain sources.
- author:
pynmeagps.nmeatypes_set module
NMEA Protocol Set payload definitions
NB: Attribute names must be unique within each message id. NB: Avoid reserved names ‘msgID’, ‘talker’, ‘payload’, ‘checksum’.
- NB: Repeating groups must be defined as a tuple thus
‘group’: (‘numr’, {dict}) where - ‘numr’ is either:
an integer representing a fixed number of repeats e.g 32
a string representing the name of a preceding attribute containing the number of repeats e.g. ‘numCh’
‘None’ for an indeterminate repeating group (only one such group is permitted per message type)
{dict} is the nested dictionary containing the repeating attributes
Created on 4 Mar Sep 2021
While the NMEA 0183 © protocol is proprietary, the information here has been collated from public domain sources.
- author:
pynmeagps.socket_wrapper module
socket_wrapper class.
A skeleton socket wrapper which provides basic stream-like read(bytes) and readline() methods.
NB: this will read from a socket indefinitely. It is the responsibility of the calling application to monitor data returned and implement appropriate socket error, timeout or inactivity procedures.
Created on 4 Apr 2022
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2022
- license:
BSD 3-Clause
- class pynmeagps.socket_wrapper.SocketWrapper(sock: socket, **kwargs)[source]
socket stream class.
- __init__(sock: socket, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters:
socket (sock) – socket object
bufsize (int) – (kwarg) internal buffer size (4096)
- property buffer: bytearray
Getter for buffer.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- read(num: int) bytes [source]
Read specified number of bytes from buffer. NB: always check length of return data.
- Parameters:
num (int) – number of bytes to read
- Returns:
bytes read (which may be less than num)
- Return type:
Module contents
Created on 4 Mar 2021
- author:
- copyright:
SEMU Consulting © 2020
- license:
BSD 3-Clause