Source code for pygpsclient.ubx_recorder_frame


UBX Player/Recorder widget for CFG commands entered by user via UBX
Configuration panel.

Records commands to memory array and allows user to load or save
this array to or from a file.

Facilitates copying configuration from one device to another.

Created on 9 Jan 2023

:author: semuadmin
:copyright: 2020 SEMU Consulting
:license: BSD 3-Clause

from threading import Event, Thread
from time import sleep
from tkinter import Button, E, Frame, Label, TclError, W, filedialog

from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from pyubx2 import (

from pygpsclient.globals import (
from pygpsclient.helpers import set_filename
from pygpsclient.strings import LBLCFGRECORD, SAVETITLE

STOP = 0
PLAY = 1
FLASH = 0.7
CFG = b"\x06"
VALSET = b"\x8a"
VALGET = b"\x8b"
MSG = b"\x01"
PRT = b"\x00"

[docs] class UBX_Recorder_Frame(Frame): """ UBX Configuration command recorder panel. """
[docs] def __init__(self, app, container, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor. :param Frame app: reference to main tkinter application :param Frame container: reference to container frame (config-dialog) :param args: optional args to pass to Frame parent class :param kwargs: optional kwargs to pass to Frame parent class """ self.__app = app # Reference to main application class self.__master = self.__app.appmaster # Reference to root class (Tk) self.__container = container # Reference to UBX Configuration dialog Frame.__init__(self, self.__container.container, *args, **kwargs) self._img_load = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_save = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_play = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_stop = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_record = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_undo = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._img_delete = ImageTk.PhotoImage( self._cmds_stored = [] self._rec_status = STOP self._configfile = None self._stop_event = Event() self._bg = self.cget("bg") # default background color self._configfile = None self._configpath = None self._body() self._do_layout() self.reset()
def _body(self): """ Set up frame and widgets. """ self._lbl_recorder = Label(self, text=LBLCFGRECORD, anchor=W) self._btn_load = Button( self, image=self._img_load, width=40, command=self._on_load, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._btn_save = Button( self, image=self._img_save, width=40, command=self._on_save, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._btn_play = Button( self, image=self._img_play, width=40, command=self._on_play, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._btn_record = Button( self, image=self._img_record, width=40, command=self._on_record, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._btn_undo = Button( self, image=self._img_undo, width=40, command=self._on_undo, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._btn_delete = Button( self, image=self._img_delete, width=40, command=self._on_delete, font=self.__app.font_md, ) self._lbl_status = Label(self, text="", anchor="center") self._lbl_activity = Label(self, text="", anchor="center") def _do_layout(self): """ Layout widgets. """ self._lbl_recorder.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=6, padx=3, sticky=(W, E)) self._btn_load.grid(column=0, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._btn_save.grid(column=1, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._btn_play.grid(column=2, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._btn_record.grid(column=3, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._btn_undo.grid(column=4, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._btn_delete.grid(column=5, row=1, ipadx=3, ipady=3, sticky=W) self._lbl_status.grid(column=0, row=2, columnspan=6, padx=3, sticky=(W, E)) self._lbl_activity.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=6, padx=3, sticky=(W, E)) (cols, rows) = self.grid_size() for i in range(cols): self.grid_columnconfigure(i, weight=1) for i in range(rows): self.grid_rowconfigure(i, weight=1) self.option_add("*Font", self.__app.font_sm)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset panel to initial settings """ self._rec_status = STOP self._update_status()
def _set_configfile_path(self) -> tuple: """ Set configuration file path. :return: file path :rtype: tuple """ configpath = filedialog.askdirectory( parent=self.__container, title=SAVETITLE, initialdir=HOME, mustexist=True ) if configpath in ((), ""): return None, None # User cancelled return set_filename(configpath, "config", "ubx") def _open_configfile(self): """ Open configuration file. """ return self.__app.file_handler.open_file( "ubx", ( ("ubx config files", "*.ubx"), ("u-center config files", "*.txt"), ("all files", "*.*"), ), ) def _on_load(self): """ Load commands from file into in-memory recording. """ self._configfile = self._open_configfile() if self._configfile is None: # user cancelled return self._cmds_stored = [] self._update_activity("Loading commands...") if self._configfile[-3:] == "txt": i = self._on_load_txt(self._configfile) else: i = self._on_load_ubx(self._configfile) if i > 0: fname = self._configfile.split("/")[-1] self._update_activity( f"{i} Command{'s' if i > 1 else ''} loaded from {fname}" ) self._update_status() def _on_load_ubx(self, fname: str) -> int: """ Load binary ubx configuration file :param str fname: input filename :return: no of items read :rtype: int """ try: with open(fname, "rb") as file: ubr = UBXReader(file, protfilter=UBX_PROTOCOL, msgmode=SET) eof = False i = 0 while not eof: _, parsed = if parsed is not None: self._cmds_stored.append(parsed) i += 1 else: eof = True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught self._update_activity(f"ERROR parsing {fname}!") return 0 return i def _on_load_txt(self, fname: str) -> int: """ Load u-center format text configuration file. Any messages other than CFG-MSG, CFG-PRT or CFG-VALGET are discarded. The CFG-VALGET messages are converted into CFG-VALGET. :param str fname: input file name :return: no of items read :rtype: int """ try: with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: i = 0 for line in file: parts = line.replace(" ", "").split("-") data = bytes.fromhex(parts[-1]) cls = data[0:1] mid = data[1:2] if cls != CFG: continue if mid == VALGET: version = data[4:5] layer = bytes2val(data[5:6], U1) if layer == POLL_LAYER_BBR: layers = SET_LAYER_BBR elif layer == POLL_LAYER_FLASH: layers = SET_LAYER_FLASH else: layers = SET_LAYER_RAM layers = val2bytes(layers, U1) transaction = val2bytes(TXN_NONE, U1) # not transactional reserved0 = b"\x00" cfgdata = data[8:] payload = version + layers + transaction + reserved0 + cfgdata parsed = UBXMessage(CFG, VALSET, SET, payload=payload) else: # legacy CFG command parsed = UBXMessage(CFG, mid, SET, payload=data[4:]) if parsed is not None: self._cmds_stored.append(parsed) i += 1 except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught self._update_activity(f"ERROR parsing {fname}!") return 0 return i def _on_save(self): """ Save commands from in-memory recording to file. """ if self._rec_status == RECORD: return if len(self._cmds_stored) == 0: self._update_activity("Nothing to save") return fname, self._configfile = self._set_configfile_path() if self._configfile is None: return self._update_activity("Saving commands...") with open(self._configfile, "wb") as file: i = 0 for i, msg in enumerate(self._cmds_stored): file.write(msg.serialize()) self._cmds_stored = [] self._update_activity(f"{i + 1} command{'s' if i > 0 else ''} saved to {fname}") self._update_status() def _on_play(self): """ Send commands to device from in-memory recording. """ if self._rec_status == RECORD: return if len(self._cmds_stored) == 0: self._update_activity("Nothing to send") return if self._rec_status == STOP: self._rec_status = PLAY i = 0 for i, msg in enumerate(self._cmds_stored): self._update_activity(f"{i} Sending {msg.identity}") self.__app.gnss_outqueue.put(msg.serialize()) sleep(0.01) self._update_activity( f"{i + 1} command{'s' if i > 0 else ''} sent to device" ) self._rec_status = STOP self._update_status() def _on_record(self): """ Add commands to in-memory recording. """ if self._rec_status == STOP: self._rec_status = RECORD self.__container.recordmode = True # start flashing record label... self._stop_event.clear() Thread( target=self._flash_record, daemon=True, args=(self._stop_event,), ).start() elif self._rec_status == RECORD: self._stop_event.set() self._rec_status = STOP self.__container.recordmode = False self._update_activity("Recording stopped") self._update_status() def _on_undo(self): """ Remove last record from in-memory recording. """ if len(self._cmds_stored) == 0: self._update_activity("Nothing to undo") return if self._rec_status == STOP: if len(self._cmds_stored) > 0: self._cmds_stored.pop() self._update_activity("Last command undone") self._update_status() def _on_delete(self): """ Delete all records in in-memory recording. """ if self._rec_status == RECORD: return if len(self._cmds_stored) == 0: self._update_activity("Nothing to delete") return i = len(self._cmds_stored) self._update_activity(f"{i} command{'s' if i > 1 else ''} deleted") self._cmds_stored = [] self._update_status() def _update_status(self): """ Update status label. """ lcs = len(self._cmds_stored) lst = f". Last command: {self._cmds_stored[-1].identity}" if lcs > 0 else "" self._lbl_status.config(text=f"Commands in memory: {lcs}{lst}") pimg = rimg = None if self._rec_status == STOP: pimg = self._img_play rimg = self._img_record elif self._rec_status == PLAY: pimg = self._img_stop rimg = self._img_record elif self._rec_status == RECORD: pimg = self._img_play rimg = self._img_stop self._btn_play.config(image=pimg) self._btn_record.config(image=rimg) def _update_activity(self, msg: str): """ Update activity label. :param str msg: message """ if len(msg) > 55: msg = f"{msg[0:30]}...{msg[-22:]}" self._lbl_activity.config(text=msg)
[docs] def update_record(self, msg: UBXMessage): """ Add UBX CFG SET command to in-memory recording. :param UBXMessage msg: message to record """ if msg.msgmode == SET: self._cmds_stored.append(msg) self._update_status()
def _flash_record(self, stop: Event): """ THREADED Flash record indicator for conspicuity. """ try: cols = [("white", "red"), ("red", "white")] i = 0 while not stop.is_set(): i = not i self._lbl_activity.config( text="RECORDING", fg=cols[i][0], bg=cols[i][1] ) sleep(FLASH) except TclError: # if dialog closed without stopping recording pass