Source code for pygpsclient.spartn_json_config


Utility class to load SPARTN decryption configuration from
JSON file provided by ThingStream PointPerfect location service.
Requires paid subscription.

JSON file normally named "device-{Client ID}-ucenter-config.json"

Created on 12 Feb 2023

:author: semuadmin
:copyright: 2020 SEMU Consulting
:license: BSD 3-Clause

import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

[docs] class SpartnJsonConfig: """ SpartnJsonConfig class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): """ Constructor. :param str filename: Fully qualified path to JSON file """ if filename in (None, ""): raise AttributeError("Filename must be provided") self._loadconfig(filename)
def _loadconfig(self, filename: str): """ Import config from JSON file. :param str filename: filename """ with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as jsonfile: jsondict = json.load(jsonfile) connection = jsondict["MQTT"]["Connectivity"] subscriptions = jsondict["MQTT"]["Subscriptions"] dynamic = jsondict["MQTT"]["dynamickeys"] self._clientid = connection["ClientID"] self._server = connection["ServerURI"] self._key = connection["ClientCredentials"]["Key"] self._cert = connection["ClientCredentials"]["Cert"] self._rootca = connection["ClientCredentials"]["RootCA"] self._topics = {} self._topics["Key"] = tuple(subscriptions["Key"]["KeyTopics"]) self._topics["AssistNow"] = tuple( subscriptions["AssistNow"]["AssistNowTopics"] ) self._topics["Data"] = tuple(subscriptions["Data"]["DataTopics"]) current_ts = dynamic["current"]["start"] current_dur = dynamic["current"]["duration"] next_ts = dynamic["next"]["start"] next_dur = dynamic["next"]["duration"] self._curr_key = dynamic["current"]["value"] self._curr_start = datetime.fromtimestamp(current_ts / 1000) self._curr_end = self._curr_start + timedelta(milliseconds=current_dur) self._next_key = dynamic["next"]["value"] self._next_start = datetime.fromtimestamp(next_ts / 1000) self._next_end = self._next_start + timedelta(milliseconds=next_dur) @property def clientid(self) -> str: """ Getter for ClientID. :return: clientID :rtype: str """ return self._clientid @property def server(self) -> str: """ Getter for Server URI. :return: Server UIR :rtype: str """ return self._server @property def topics(self) -> list: """ Getter for topics. :return: list of topics :rtype: list """ return self._topics @property def key(self) -> str: """ Getter for Key. :return: Key :rtype: str """ return self._key @property def cert(self) -> str: """ Getter for Certificate. :return: Certificate :rtype: str """ return self._cert @property def rootca(self) -> str: """ Getter for RootCA. :return: RootCA :rtype: str """ return self._rootca @property def current_key(self) -> tuple: """ Getter for current key. :return: tuple of (key, start date, end date) :rtype: tuple """ return (self._curr_key, self._curr_start, self._curr_end) @property def next_key(self) -> tuple: """ Getter for next key. :return: tuple of (key, start date, end date) :rtype: tuple """ return (self._next_key, self._next_start, self._next_end)